A word from Executive Minister, Rev. Patty King Bilyeu

January 2025

Happy New Year! I love the new year. I know January brings with it cold and snow, but like new fallen snow, it’s fresh. If you are “old school” like me, I like hanging up a new calendar in my kitchen. It’s clean and full of opportunities and fresh starts. It’s also an opportunity to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and promises. God gives us 12 new months, 365 days to be renewed and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with whomever we meet.

One of my favorite new choruses that is sung in many congregations has a refrain that goes like this: “All my life You have been faithful. All my life You have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.”

What is your new song this year? Are you lamenting over the year gone by or are you looking to the future that is as bright as the promises of God?

That is what’s so amazing about our relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves us unconditionally. As we are children of God, we mess up sometimes. Sometimes things stand in the way of our witness of Jesus. But like a loving parent, he forgives us and gives us grace to begin again.

What is something new that your congregation will embrace this year? Will you be starting a Bible study in your community or in various neighborhood homes? Will you focus on discipleship that will empower new leadership with your congregation? Will you be looking to start Dinner Church to reach out to those who have been hurt by traditional church? Will you start a food pantry to feed the hungry? Or will you begin a clothing closet to give away excess clothing to those who need it? Will you plan a mission trip with members of the congregation to make a difference in another community? (While mission trips are great for those you are aiding, I also find that they minister to me in return.) New ministry can take on different forms and bring new life within your congregation, all while showing the grace and love of God to people you meet.

May this year be one where we embrace the truth of Philippians 3:13-14: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Let us begin this year singing of the goodness of God!

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