Clergy Health


Are you one who ignores your own needs because others should be attended to first?

At the beginning of each flight, when the flight attendant demonstrates how to use the emergency oxygen mask, he emphatically tells the passengers, “In case of an emergency, make sure you first put this on your face before you try to help another.”

We cannot help others if we are not healthy and growing ourselves.


Questions to Consider
  1. Are you able to describe your strengths and weaknesses accurately?
  2. Are you a pessimist, realist or optimist?
  3. How are you affected by the wide-spread lonliness of our culture?
  4. Are you at the present time suffering from depression?
  5. How are you growing in mental and emotional health – By the school of “hard knocks” or through intentional assistance from a trained counselor?


Questions to Consider
  1. Are you praying daily?
  2. Are you reading and meditating on God’s Word daily?
  3. Are you connected with a spiritual mentor?
  4. Are you discipling or being a spiritual mentor to another?


Questions to Consider
  1. Do you include regular physical exercise as a spiritual discipline?
  2. Are you looking to manage the stress of your life?
  3. Are you limiting the effectiveness of your ministry because you are always tired?
  4. Have you had a physical examination lately?


Questions to Consider
  1. How are your “people skills”?
  2. Are you able to build rapport with others?
  3. Do you meet with others who are not part of your social network?
  4. Are you connecting with people using online social media or are you using social media as a substitute for connecting?
  5. Do you start where people are in their lives or do you start with them where you are?