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Visitors to the Great Rivers Region office – The region office is closed February 19 – 26, 2025.

February 19 @ 8:00 am February 26 @ 5:00 pm CST

At the region, we value the pastors and church members who visit our office in Central Baptist Church.  We encourage you to schedule a visit once we are settled in our new offices on the third floor of the church, probably in the next couple of months.  Call before coming to ensure that we are in the office when you want to visit.   The church closes some days at 2:30pm and without prior notice, we are unaware that someone is at the door.

Due to a scheduled vacation, the office will be closed February 19th through the 26th .  We regret any inconvenience this may cause and hope that your inquiries can be resolved by calling the region office 217.726.7366 and leaving a message for the region staff person you are looking for or messaging nancy@abcgrr.org.  

We appreciate your understanding during this transitional time at the region and will continue to do our best to assist you.