Missionary News

GRR Means Mission

Our vision is healthy churches engaged in effective Christian ministry locally and globally. We urge churches to connect with global mission efforts in ways consistent with their passion.

The easiest way to support all American Baptist mission work is to contribute to United Mission. 65% of UM remains in the Great Rivers Region to support mission and ministry here. The remaining 35% is divided among the Board of General Ministries, American Baptist International Ministries, and American Baptist Home Mission Societies.

In addition, there are designated mission offerings. 100% of the World Mission Offering (WMO) goes to American Baptist International Ministries. The America for Christ (AFC) offering is divided between the Great Rivers Region (about 35%) and American Baptist Home Mission Societies (about 65%). 100% of the GRReat Churches Offering goes to the support Great Rivers Region mission and ministry.

Lastly, you may choose to designate your support for particular missionaries or mission projects.

Any of these gifts, clearly identified, can be submitted through the Region using the regular mission support form. Gifts will be promptly distributed as instructed. The Great Rivers Region is a legal receiving agent for all funds intended for American Baptist missions, ministries, and institutions.

While the Great Rivers Region encourages the support of all American Baptist missionaries, there are a few that claim a special place in our hearts. Some are missionaries with roots in the Great Rivers Region. Missionaries who serve in Costa Rica, with whom we have had a historic relationship that goes back 20 years, and a formal covenant relationship since 2000.

Talita Cumi girls’ clubs are changing lives in Costa Rica. Coordinated by a team of Baptist women, including missionaries Sue Hegarty and Ruth Vindas, the first- and second-year clubs have completed the year and are preparing to continue when the new school year begins in February. Meanwhile, more churches have asked to start a club, so 10 clubs will be functioning in both inner city and rural settings.

In Alajuela, Flor, an older pastor’s wife, overcame her fear of the slum near the church, known for its violence and drugs, and ventured in to invite girls to a club. She became known and respected, even by the drug dealers, and women would stop her to ask if their daughters could also join the club. At the end of the year, the church held a graduation ceremony for the girls and invited all the families, celebrating the girls and sharing the Gospel message with the parents and grandparents who attended as well as  serving a full meal to everyone. This year they will continue with these girls and also start a second club. They are blessed by the help of 2 highly gifted and committed Venezuelan refugee woman who serve as mentors.

Would you like to help support this ministry? The program provides each club with a book for each mentor and girl, materials for all the crafts, a t-shirt with the logo of the club for each person, and special group-building activities that gather all the clubs at a camp.

Support for 1 girl for a year:   $75

Support for 1 club for a year: $750

Books for 1 club:                     $150

Book for 1 girl:                        $15

T-shirt for 1 girl:                      $10

Support full program 1 year:  $10,000

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